an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

spots and stripes

I don't even need to comment on the conditions we've all been experiencing this week. Needless to say I'm a little over the fact that it has done nothing but rain, constantly, all week. And it's cold to.

It could be worse though, I have friends who are moving house...Good luck Dean & Ainslie!
Me, I'm considering a few months of hibernation. We talk ourselves up as the top of the food chain, intelligent creatures blah blah blah, but you don't see squirrels running from street corner to street corner trying to stay dry and walking into buildings looking like drowned rats. No, they're currently curled up, all snug and warm and DRY...point made?

So as you have probably guessed, I haven't really been anywhere that was dry or interesting enough to take a camera this week. Fingers crossed for some clear blue skies (what does that look like again?) over the weekend (yeah, right) and next week.

 A guy in my office got an email informing him that all soccer matches had been called off this weekend. It was from Captain Obvious. What a waste of cyber space.

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