an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

just one sunrise....

Just felt like a little colour on a gloomy Friday afternoon.

broken tents and calm seas

You'll all be glad to know I survived my camping experience. Only slight se back was realising jsut before we went to bed on the first night that the tent poles and snapped, piercing the 'waterproof' outer layer and then being woken up at 2am byt the pissing rain. Running around in the rain trying to fix and rain-proof the damn thing was not the most enjoyable thing I did all weekend. I actually quite enjoyed it, I may have even been a tad bit too vocal about how much I liked as apparently 'we' are now 'campers'. Right then.

On the way up to Seal Rocks we were passed by the notorious Highway 61 bikie gang which was cool... watching them disappear into the fog was pretty eery. Apparently "they are the most infamous New Zealand bikie gang and have been associated with drugs and violence". Mmmmm. Fact; my mother is scarier in the mornings before she's had her Panadol.


biddy waves

Walking on water

Where's everybody going?
Fellow camper
Right... Pip pip and tally ho! I'm off to a Royal Wedding Party. Apparently we have to take something British, so M is taking me, and I'm taking a jar of Branston Pickle. Love that condiment.

the land of the mighty chilly!

Because I'm super brave and adventurous, I went on a road Bowral. Actually, it was for work, but a trip is a trip nonetheless in my books. It was cold. Seriously, it was something like 12 degrees... I didn't move here for that!! I have been led here under some gross misconception that Australia is warm all the time.

I really love this time of year, weather-wise there are still some warm days, the leaves are changing colour and the light is just amazing. I could get all poetic and shit right about now, but I'll spare you that in the name of the upcoming extra looooong weekend. (That's 5 o's by the way, one for every day we have off - can-I-get-a-whoop-whoop?!)

So my images this week are dedicated to the change in season, and the colour red, apparently.

I saw this bike outside a cafe in the buzzing hub of a metrolpolis that is Bowral town centre.... I just thought the method for job advertising was quirky and orginial. That is all.

And then it was back to Sydney... Not a shabby bus ride home when there's light like this....

Here's to a lovely long Easter break everyone, be warned, I'm going camping.

[[[spray ]]]

Dee Why had some lurvely waves this morning, not that I would know what to do with one if it came up and smacked me in the face. Actually I would... that's exactly what happened to me except there was a surf boar inbetween the wave and my face; I cried and bled. This is the reason I don't surf a lot, or well.

Catch of the Day


Stand Tough

The Point or Poles? That is the question...

Hose Down

The long way home
 All in all, not a shabby way to wake up this morning. Shame its all gone pear shaped.

a day in the life of...

On Monday Heidi came to my office before we went to farewell Dave & Lisa (who should be now safely in Paris!) and I realised that she was entering a part of my life that she never sees. It got me thinking that a large portion of our day and lives are spent in places that we may talk about, but few other people outside your 'work life' actually see. Tell me, would you describe your partner's, parent's, sibling's or friend's daily routine?!

So in a slightly odd Friday mood, here's mine:

In the morning I get dropped off in North Sydney if I am lucky by Matt, he doesn't really like driving in this far, he would prefer to dump my at a cold and lonely bus stop in Neutral Bay where I have to wait for hours for a rude bus driver to stop.

It's a very traumatic experience, let me tell you.

Once in, I get a coffee, there is a cafe on the ground floor of my building, where I occasionally stop off at. This morning I was here and the barista (I think his name must be Mario or something equally Italian) was very excited about his new machine...apparently it is the Ferrari of coffee machines and has been called Sophia.

Cibo is a fun place to drop in on in the mornings, there's a bit of buzz going on and it helps click me into gear, and normally puts a smile on my face. The chef has just got an American-English Staffy cross...I've seen pictures...cuteness!
Pretty early on in the day I start thinking about what I would like for lunch....I would happily survive on Greek Yogurt and Honey for my entire existence, but I understand the importance of balance. You know how people say "if you carry on eating all those <carrots - for example> you'll turn into one". Is there a risk of me turning into a Greek, or a yogurt? Interesting dilemma!

I work on Level 8. Bet you didn't know that.
At the end of the day I get the bus home. If I'm really lucky, there is some complete nut job on board who manages to keep me entertained the whole way home.

I'm only partially serious about there. There are frequently lunatics on the L87, however this image is actually "The Professor", from the Camera House at Warringah Mall. Very useful resource and equally bad influence for purchasing new (always necessary) camera toys.

If there is no one entertaining on the bus, I'll read, maybe something educational, maybe not.

So tonight way not go home and ask someone you care about what they did today. Find out the little details, it'll make you feel closer.

Maybe I've done too much meditation this week.

au revoir et bon voyage!

I am sad and excited to say au revoir to Dave & Lisa who are embarking on an incredible adventure tomorrow and moving to:
I'll miss you madly, I'm hugely jealous, and I can't wait to come and sip cafe au lait and nibble on croissants with you very soon!

Bon chance!!

swimming in DY 2099

Dee Why is awesome. Fact my friends.

daylight savings?

Firstly, apologies for nothing being sent on Friday, I was busy html-ing all a result I have discovered I am pretty good at coding (so good in fact, I have titled myself HTML Wizard) so if this photography/yoga gig doesn't work out for me, I've got something to fall back on. Programing Guru; not too shabby!

These are a few pics from Dee Why, dedicated to Dean. On Saturday we celebrated Dean's 30th Birthday - his wife Ainslie (awesome) had the best idea; instead of gifts, everyone brought 2 bottles of the same wine, one to have as a wine tasting and one for Dean start a wine cellar with. I'm not sure how long they'll stay in the wine cellar...but happy birthday none the less. Both Ainslie and Freya (also awesome) both deserve a Ma-Hu-Sive (that's massive) well done & thanks for the incredible food...not sure cheese tart & chocolate fondant is training food, but dang it was good eatin'!


flower power
 I know there's probably something wrong with me, but I want one of these vans so badly it's not even funny.

behind bars

So who is happy about daylight savings? I'm not sure... running in the mornings, better. Not looking forward to dark journeys home. Sad face.

midnight madness....

Technically it wasn't midnight, but it has a good ring to it!

This are from the other week when there were crazy, potentially post-tsunami waves all over the northern beaches..I dropped by Curl Curl on my way home from Yoga one night and I couldn't not stop and shoot.

night swimming - no canoodling!

sparkles in calmer ponds


street light fallout