an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

morning goo?

This is in no way, shape or form an artistic photograph, this is a request for information?! I was walking through North Sydney Oval on my way to work this week and the whole place had these weird foam piles that I could not figure out.

Were the residents of North Sydney have a giant foam party that I wasn't invited to? In which case I'm incredibly insulted.

I didn't want to get to close in case some highly dangerous Australian insect that I have not yet been warned about came flying at my face in an Alien style take over (I have an active imagination). So I took a snap shot and went on my merry way, sans a zenomorph attached to my noggin. (Alien reference, watch the movie)

1 comment:

  1. Potentially spittlebug foam. Ps... it's xenomorph...! x
