an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

December 31st... Manly pre-dawn and some final reflections

Admittedly I am going through some weird phase with my photos. I'm not sure where all this abstract colour/social-documentary/general randomness has come from. A had a (slightly less than sober) conversation with a friend on Christmas Eve and she questioned my lack of interaction with people in my photos at the moment. The weirdest thing about the 'critique' was that I always forget that this is actually being read by anyone! So thank you Ains for making me think about what I'm doing... I was thinking about you this morning whilst I was out and will face the challenge head on....tomorrow.

Every colour of the rainbow! Manly Wharf at 5.10am

So this morning I was a good wife and drove M down to Manly Wharf to go fishing. Did I mention it was 5am?! He better come back with dinner...

The lack of waves meant that Manly was pretty much empty, apart from a couple of stand up paddle boarders making their way across to Shelley Beach.

The long and dusty trail...

So after my ridiculously early start to New Years Eve, I went to a 6am yoga class. As much as I enjoyed it, and as nice as it was to walk out at 7.30 with a full day ahead of me, I couldn't help but wonder, 'what the hell am I doing?' I've become one of those crazy people.

Lake Manly
Like most people, I find that New Year is always a good time for reflections, reviewing your achievements for the year, redefining your goals for the next 12 months. I think I did pretty well this year, made some great new friends, built on the relationships I had with existing ones, did a half marathon, got engaged, got married, rekindled my love for photos and walked a bloody long way. 

So in closing for 2010, I'd like to share something I was told in a yoga class yesterday. Forgive me if this is slightly wrong, it's hard to memorise life-affirming quotes when you're standing on one leg, locking your knee, sweating profusely and wishing you hadn't placed your mat behind the guy with the shortest shorts who is also really good at doing the standing splits - sorry for the visual.  

"The past is in the past, the future is a mystery, now is a gift, that's why it's called the present."

Happy New Year everyone.

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