an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

an old aquaintance

Ahh, my old friend; the sunrise. We meet again. Finally!

I must admit though, the colours I saw from my balcony were exquisite! I then dilly dallied (yes, that's right, I said dilly dallied) around trying to figure out if I should do down and shoot or not so in all honesty I missed the best part. However, I give myself brownie points (mmmm.... brownie) for getting up and going. Up until now I've been adamant that the only thing to wake me up in the morning should be Finn...maybe I'm turning a corner. Here's hoping. Anyway, here's a few from today.... I know they are all a little samey but I'm just excited to be back in the game and I couldn't chose between them!

whats at the end of the rainbow?

sitting, laughing, chatting, banging...

I can't believe how much and how quickly they change. A few of my friends have had babies recently and it seems so long ago that Finn was just this sleepy little thing that just seemed so daunting and fragile, he was my silent observer. Now he is this bruiser of a dude who wants to be involved in everything, chew anything that comes within arms reach and tell you about all the crazy new discoveries he has made today.



..and this one goes here....


tee hee! 

 Photographing a baby is all about the eyes in my opinion. The voyage of discovery, the journey of leaning about themselves and the world around them is awe inspiring and I have to remind myself that it is one that we have all shared in. Watching Finn watching me or trying so hard to master a new skill gives me the warm and fuzzies, at the same time it motivates me to work harder to achieve my goals...I had to learn to sit, crawl,  stand, walk, talk, and eat...if I can do this, I can get off my arse and sort my career/life out now!

I've entered into a weird mental state, so I'm going to sign off now... but stay tuned for more frequent updates, and please, think of Images by Sophie for your next photographic needs... recommend me to a friend, family member or colleague and you never know, maybe there'll be a reward in it for you!


my not-so-little-man!

I think I might be finally getting my *expletive* together...although I don't want to talk too soon, you never know what may happen tomorrow.

Motherhood is amazing. By far the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life, but equally the most rewarding and fulfilling experience as without getting all smooshy and emotional (The Stiff Upper Lip of the Pommy in me wouldn't allow it anyway!) I'll just let a few pictures speak for themselves.

black & whites

south side of the bridge

Way back when, I took a stroll from Bondi to Tama along with about eighteen thousand other tourists to peruse the witty and ironic artisitc interpretations of last years Sculptures by the Sea.

new york, new york

 Here's a random selection of several hundred pictured of one of the greatest cities on earth.

In sunny Brooklyn
The architecturally stimulating.
Division of clouds of the Brooklyn bridge

Neck ache

Arches in the sky

One Way