an opening thought....

Welcome to the Images by Sophie blog; sunrises, people, places, there's a bit of everything with a story or two thrown in for good measure. All the work is my own but some stories may be embelished, names changed and identities hidden. Mr reasons are three-fold; to protect the innocent, defend the guilty or just to make stories sound more interesting than they were in real life. I hope you enjoy the photographs, occassional story that goes with it and will come back from time to time.

Take a trip back to, contact me on or 0405 738 744.

Manly - a study in light (and not a drop of water in sight)

I love my friends.

I am dedicating this post to Katie, who challenged me to a blog without water this week. So here you go Katie...a study in light...just for you!

I actually had a lot more images to show you this week... with the crazy big waves over the last couple of days I was out shooting at Curly the other night and there were a few from Dee Why yesterday morning. Sometimes less is more. (This has nothing to do with the fact that I actually forgot my hard drive this morning and these were the only images I had left open on my computer overnight.)

You may have noticed a couple of little changed to 'ye olde' blog...would love to know your comments... as long as they are "that's rubbish" or "its SO much better than the old blog". Why do people say that? It's the same with new hair cuts...what was so terrible about the old one, and if it was that bad, why the bloody hell didn't you say something at the time?!

When I scrape my brain from the floor after the week of chaos and whirling dervishes I will add a couple more shots from last few days. I will admit I have felt very discombobulated recently. Ooh... that's a good word! A prize if you know any really juicy words. Points will be deducted for vulgarity.

Dee Why 18th March

This morning was DULL with a capital DULL. Flat grey cloud, no one out doing anything remotely interesting.

Ewwwwww! Get out of the pool!!!

Last night I had a very major shock when Matt checked the credit card statement and Lorna Jane had over charged me for a pair of shorts and a top by $1080! No, that's not a missprint... one thousand and eighty dollars!

The situation is finally being sorted...after much anger management and trying not to shout. I may have taken it out on innocent bystanders, for which I am both ashamed and apologetic... as a spiritually enlightened yogini I should know better. Its all a learning curve.

Boat Watching
In other news, I am sleepy. Strike that - I'm exhausted! Last weekend was hugely busy by epic proportions, assissting at a wedding for a fellow phototgrapher, run 10km, done yoga then my own photoshoot, I was done before the week began. Then this week was more half marathon training and yoga, and I even road a bike for the first time in about 15 years!

I love this - here's a brilliantly thought out hiding place for body boards. Is this just plain lazy?! Free board anyone?


Morning Sun Salute. No Sun.

headshots...Sarah Rupley

On Sunday I had the absolute priviledge of taking Sarah's headshots for a press release about her new job at Great Dane Furniture. Tres cool stuff - I don't know the Danish for - Meget cool stuff.

Doesn't sound as good.

Being a Northern Beaches girl at heart (despsite actually being American - don't worry, we won't hold it against you Sarah!) we shot at the south end of Freshie beach under the cliffs, an eare that I love. Only slight issue was some little (insert expleetive here) has grafftitied on the beautiful rocks... cheers buddy. Seriously, what's wrong with some people?

Here's a little sample of some of the goodies...

The rest can be viewed here.


This is what happens when people leave me alone for too long.
I start taking random pictures of nothing and blogging. Hobby needed.

self portrait...

I seem to have gove a bit art house this morning... not sure whats going on...

Matt did some brain mapping course thing at work yesterday and so we were talking about creativity and arty-ness..maybe that's the I would like to suggest we all try something outside of our comfort zone this week...see how you go. (Tam...get your paintbrush out!)

good wifey....

Ultimately, I'm a good wife. A couple of weeks ago a surprised a certain husband with a surprise trip down the South Coast for a couple of nights get away. (Those of who who are friends with him on Facebook would have seen the status update about me being devious. I resent that.)

The Drawing Rooms at Sunset
It was a proper good surprise as well, I'd packed all his clothes and golf clubs in the car (would have been surf board to but it is currently being repaired as someone may have split the damn thing almost in two) and turned up at his work with the instruction that he had until 4pm to get his shit together. All of his team knew, to which I owe a big thank you to Angela and Ve, and so his week suddenly got very short, and we were on holiday. I'd like to point out that I was incredible ill with flu and a chest infection, so I wasn't at my most appealing, and the drive from the northern beaches into the city was a bit treacherous (lots of young school children to swerve to hit avoid).

I love getting away, even if its just for a couple of days... slowing things down, ambling around a new it.

Now the important things I must mention are:

If you're in Berry and are looking for somewhere nice to stay, The Drawing Rooms are highly recommended. It's up in the hills above Berry, so although it was a beautifully clear morning down below, we had a wicked mist the next morning...eery! Run by Roger and Toni, lovely couple, beautiful grounds, scrummy breakfast and very comfortable rooms.



For eats, The Hungry Duck is awesome in Berry, modern Asian, run by Aussies...fantastic food and great service.

My next ve-hick-le

A quiet start to the morning at Mollymook beach

The next morning we drove down to Mollymook and spent the day lazing and sleeping on the beach, swimming and absorbing healing UVA &UVB rays. We ate at Rick Steins be honest we we're blown away. Expensive and a little stuffy, but it's been done so; tick, done, let's move on.

Morning Meeting

On the way back we drove the scenic route via the coast, someone got very nostalgic at some tiny little beach he surfed at a long time ago with his boys...ahhh....I've tried to find it on google... Coalsomething?!

A long way up.... spot the surfer and win a prize

That's probably about all from me... big fan of the South Coast, and always good to get away.

Oh yeah and tourist moment... I saw dolphins and my first live Wombat.

Lavander Bay....remember sunshine?'s been a while eh? I hope everyone is happy and healthy, if not why not?

I'm well and truly over all my sicknesses, I've decided that a positive mental attitude is in order to get me back on track and I'm 80% sure I'm going to be attempting the Half Marathon in May... Hamstring Tendinopathy recovery willing....

Right... picture things... I miss the sunshine today, so here are a few from a lovely sunny lunchtime down at Lavender Bay. A change in season is definitely upon us dont'cha think?

Friends of mine are moving to Paris in a matter of weeks, so Dave and Lisa, I thought a harbour view was in order just to make sure you weren't looking forward to leaving toooo much! (Although I wouldn't hold it against you - I mean PARIS? COME ON!!!)

Lavender things in Lavender Bay

After thought; I like the word lavender.... I like the way it feels in my mouth when I say it. Lavender Lavender Lavender.

Charlie Sheen moment?!!

sunday strolling

My friend Candice has a split lip, but it's ok, you should see the other guys! She's a tough nut.

No, thankfully it's a basketball related injury.

Hearing her tales of woe made me reminisce about a stoll we took together a few weeks ago from Dee Why around the headland to Curly.

It's ok, it's only a photograph. Phew.

Gushing waves

A jolly nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

The curliest of Curl Curls


Is it nearly the weekend?!

Bike Buffs

On my lunch time expedition to Lavender Bay I met a group from Bike Buffs on a tour of Sydney. Lovely bloke who was guiding these lovely ladies... didn't get his name unfortunately! (Post script: his name is Graeme - thanks cobber!)

I can't remember what I was planning on taking a photo of, but this struck up a conversation! Anyhoo, for more info visit

Invasion of a photograph with ninja stealth
I love the sound of doing something like this! I'm such a tourist! Anybody fancy joining me?